

Current 3-Day Schedule for the 2018 Florida Tiny House Music Festival.*
Activities highlighted in RED will be located at the Tiny Firehouse Stage.
Activities highlighted in ORANGE will be located at the Outdoor Music Stage.
Activities highlighted in BLUE will be located at the Tiny Traveling Theatre.
Activities highlighted in PINK will be located at the Indoor Stage.
Activities highlighted in GREEN will be located at the Nawaka Victorian Tiny House Stage.
Activities highlighted in PURPLE will be located at the United Tiny House Rental’s Gypsy Wagon Outdoor Kitchen.


~ Thursday, November 15, 2018
Vendor & Builder Set-Up (Not Open to the Public)


~ Friday, November 16, 2018
Activities highlighted in RED will be located at the Tiny Firehouse Stage.
Activities highlighted in ORANGE will be located at the Outdoor Music Stage.
Activities highlighted in BLUE will be located at the Tiny Traveling Theatre.
Activities highlighted in PINK will be located at the Indoor Stage.
Activities highlighted in GREEN will be located at the Nawaka Victorian Tiny House Stage.
Activities highlighted in PURPLE will be located at the United Tiny House Rental’s Gypsy Wagon Outdoor Kitchen.


All Day until 12:00PM: Final Vendor & Builder Set-Up. (Please contact us if you need additional time.)


9:00AM-12:00PM: FREE Student Entrance for Public, Private and Homeschool Students (Grades K-12).  This is for pre-registered schools and students ONLY, and is NOT open to the general public.  Teachers can register their students HERE.


12:00PM-4:00PM: Early bird entrance for $10.00 at the gate.  (For those who are too excited to wait until the 5:00PM FREE session for everyone.)


1:00PM: Pat Dunham Presentation Title: “Living Well in Small Spaces”


2:00PM: Jill Kanto – Presentation Title: “Tiny House Communities”


3:00PM: Andrew Bennett – Presentation Title: “Building Practices, Inspections and Insurances“


4:00PM: Jenn Baxter Presentation Title: “Downsizing and De-Cluttering 101”


5:00PM-8:00PM: FREE to the public!  (No Ticket Necessary!) Come out and enjoy the live music, visit with vendors & builders, and check out all the tiny houses. (Remember: Friday evening starting at 5:00PM is FREE to anyone and everyone.)


12:00PM-8:00PM: Concession Sales Available. (Some concessions sales may be open earlier during the FREE Field Trip Day for Students.)


5:30PM: Outdoor Music Stage – The Psychedelic Monks (Music Entertainment)


6:30PM: Outdoor Music Stage – Camp Africa (African Dance Troupe)


7:45PM: Outdoor Music Stage – Array of Light (Fire & Hoop Performers)


8:00PM: Gates Close at 8:00PM and re-opens Sunday morning at 9:00AM.


~ Saturday, November 17, 2018 (Paid Admission Holders)

Activities highlighted in RED will be located at the Tiny Firehouse Stage.
Activities highlighted in ORANGE will be located at the Outdoor Music Stage.
Activities highlighted in BLUE will be located at the Tiny Traveling Theatre.
Activities highlighted in PINK will be located at the Indoor Stage.
Activities highlighted in GREEN will be located at the Nawaka Victorian Tiny House Stage.
Activities highlighted in PURPLE will be located at the United Tiny House Rental’s Gypsy Wagon Outdoor Kitchen.


9:00AM: Gates Open! (Gates close at 6:00PM and re-open on Sunday at 9:00AM.)


10:00AM: Tiny Traveling Theatre – Opening Comments and Announcement.


10:30AM – 6:00PM: Workshops, Presentations & Lectures. (Full Hour-by-Hour Schedule is below.)


10:30AM: Outdoor Music Stage – Kevin Koa (Music Entertainment)
10:30AM: Suzy Beckwith –  Presentation Title: “The Pain, the Process and the Passion of My Tiny House Journey”


11:15AM: Yvette Stokes –  Presentation Title: “Emergency Evacuation Plan in a Mobile Structure”


11:45AM: Tiny Outdoor Kitchen Presentation – Leanne Stephens, Author of “Cooking in Small Spaces”


11:45AM: Outdoor Music Stage – Acoustic Jam (Music Entertainment Provided by Solo Musicians )


12:00PM: Derek “Deek” Diedricksen – Presentation Title: “Building with LESS for LESS


12:30PM: Joe Hawley Presentation Title: “Football to Freedom


12:30PM: Nawaka Victorian Tiny House Stage: Panel Discussion and Q&A – “Hour-of-Power: The Wonder Women of the Tiny House World”


1:00PM-2PM: Outdoor Music Stage – Camp Africa (African Dance Troupe) & Array of Light (Fire & Hoop Performers)


1:00PM: Tiny Firehouse Stage – “Off-Grid Workshop: Solar Energy, Rain Water Collection, Compositing Toilets, DIY Septic Systems, Alternative Heating Sources… and More!”


1:15PM: Brynn Burger – Presentation Title: “Simple Living Right Now!”


2:00PM: Saturday Keynote Zack Giffin, “Tiny Solutions for Society”


2:30PM-4:30PM: Outdoor Music Stage – Moonlight Drive-In (Music Entertainment)


3:00PM: Zina “Queen of Glampers” Lacy Presentation Title: “Vintage Trailers: Customizing the Original Tiny Home”


3:15PM: Mike Fuhrer – Presentation Title: “How to Buy a Bus for Your Upcoming Coinversion”


4:00PM: Pat Dunham – Presentation Title: “Living Well in Small Spaces”


4:30PM-6:00PM: Outdoor Music Stage – DJ Music


6:00PM: Gates Close at 6:00PM and re-opens Sunday morning at 9:00AM.


8:00PM: Outdoor Stage – Outdoor Concert with the Tiny House Band, Fire Performances with Array of Light, Open Mic, and Pot Luck Dinner. (This is for everyone staying on-site in their tiny homes and in the camp ground.)


Children’s activities, food concession sales, and all the tiny homes will be available throughout the day.*


~ Sunday, November 18, 2018 (Paid Admission Ticket Holders)*
Activities highlighted in RED will be located at the Tiny Firehouse Stage.
Activities highlighted in ORANGE will be located at the Outdoor Music Stage.
Activities highlighted in BLUE will be located at the Tiny Traveling Theatre.
Activities highlighted in PINK will be located at the Indoor Stage.
Activities highlighted in GREEN will be located at the Nawaka Victorian Tiny House Stage.
Activities highlighted in PURPLE will be located at the United Tiny House Rental’s Gypsy Wagon Outdoor Kitchen.


9:00AM: Gates Open (Gates close at 6:00PM after the Awards Ceremony, which will be at the Outdoor Stage.)


10:00AM: Tiny Traveling Theatre – Opening Comments and Announcements.


10:30AM: Outdoor Music Stage – Jason Percussion (Music Entertainment)


10:30AM-6:00PM: Workshops, Entertainment, Presentations & Lectures. (Full Hour-by-Hour Schedule is below.)


10:30AM: Jenn Baxter – Presentation Title: “Emotional & Spiritual Benefits of Downsizing“


11:15AM: Jill Kanto – Presentation Title: “Tiny House Communities”


11:00AM: Barbara Reilly & Andrew Bennett – Presentation Title: “Future-Proofing Tiny Homes: Compliance, Community & Commerce”


11:45AM-12:45PM: Acoustic Jam – (Multiple Musicians)


12:00PM: Andrea J. Burns – Presentation Title: “Tiny Houses Promote Critical Thinking”


12:30PM: Panel Discussion and Q&A –The “Other” Tiny Houses: Van & Skoolie/Bus Conversion Owners”


12:45PM: Leanne Stephens – Presentation Title: “Tiny House FAQs


1:00PM: Tiny Firehouse Stage – Off-Grid Workshop, “Solar Energy, Rain Water Collection, Compositing Toilets, DIY Septic Systems, and More!”


1:00PM: Outdoor Music Stage – Kevin Koa (Music Entertainment)


2:00PM: Sunday Keynote – Matt “TK” Devine, “Living Weird: Converting Just About Anything Into a Tiny Home


2:15PM: Outdoor Music Stage – Brothers Within (Music Entertainment)


3:00PM: Panel Discussion and Q&A – “Tiny Houses Before, During and After a Natural Disaster”


3:15PM:  Mike Cheatham – Presentation Title: “Tiny House Designs: Do’s and Don’ts”


4:00PM: Panel Discussion and Q&A – Private Home Owners: Hear the Talk of Those Walking the Walk”


4:30PM-6:00PM: Outdoor Music Stage – DJ Music


5:00PM: Tiny Traveling Theatre – Tiny House Awards Presentations, Prize Give-Aways, and Closing Statements.




Children’s activities, food concession sales, and all the tiny homes will be available throughout the day.


* Please Note: This schedule will be updated and is always subject to change.
Buy Tickets for the Tiny House Festival Today