2017 Tennessee Tiny House Festival

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Introducing the 2017 Tennessee Tiny House Festival!

The United Tiny House Association is bringing its very popular, and for-charity, Tiny House Festival to the Volunteer State!


As like all our previous Tiny House Festivals, the 2017 Tennessee Tiny House Festival will have all the fun & excitement of our previous for-charity Tiny House Festivals.  The weekend’s activities will include: Free School Day for students on Friday (9AM-2PM), FREE Friday Session for EVERYONE (5PM-8PM), Saturday & Sunday entertainment, Friday night concert, Saturday night movies & bonfire, workshops and presentations by some of the biggest names in the tiny house movement, fire performances, children’s activities, fund raising for charities and the local community, and of course… ALL THE TINY HOUSES and MICRO HOMES for touring and viewing!

2017 Tennessee Speakers

Kari “Yurt Grrl” Cooper

Keynote: Steven Harrell (Tiny House Listings)

Keynote: Mike Bedsole (Tiny House Chattanooga)

Susan Bernardo & Courtenay Fletcher (The Big Adventures of Tiny House)

The Venue

The 2017 Tennessee Tiny House Festival will be held Fri-Sun, September 8-10, 2017, in Chattanooga, TN, at Audubon Acres!  (Please Note: Audubon Acres is a designated wildlife sanctuary.  Outside dogs, bikes, and animals are not able to be brought on to sanctuary grounds.)

900 North Sanctuary Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421

Bring Your Home

Are you a private owner (non-builder) of a tiny house, skoolie, vintage camper, yurt, or other tiny home?  If you are interested in attending for FREE with your tiny house, or any other micro-mobile living structure, and are willing to open your home for tours and viewing during our event, please click below. (Note: FREE gas gift cards available.)

Become a Vendor

Do you have a product or service of benefit and interest to the tiny house community?  Would you like to be a vendor at our event?  Please download the following form and submit it to our office as soon as possible for approval to show and sell at the 2017 Tennessee Tiny House Festival.

Attention Tiny Home Builders and Trailer Manufacturers

Are you a builder of tiny homes or a manufacturer of trailers?  Would you like to show and sell your designs at the 2017 Tennessee Tiny House Festival for FREE?  If so, please complete this form and return it to us quickly… space fills up fast at our events.  (All availability is on a first-come basis.)

Become a Food Concession Vendor

Are you are licensed and insured food truck owner or food concession vendor who can legally prepare, sell, and serve food in Chattanooga, TN, on-site at Audubon Acres?  If so, please download the following form.

Buy Tickets for the Tiny House Festival Today