There are number of places to stay, including camping onsite and at the Host Hotel, during the 2019 California Tiny LIVING Festival. (Updated: July 12, 2019)

2525 San Pablo Dam Road, San Pablo, CA 94806
Telephone: 510-965-1900
Note: Click HERE to book through Holiday Inn Express.
Hotels on EXPEDIA Listed Near the 2019 Tiny LIVING Festival California.
Reservations can be through EXPEDIA HERE.
Note: Be sure to verify the distance from your hotel to the festival.
Hotels on HOTELS.COM Listed Near the 2019 Tiny LIVING Festival California.
Reservations can be through HOTELS.COM HERE.
Note: Be sure to verify the distance from your hotel to to the festival.
Hotels on TRIPADVISOR Near the 2019 Tiny LIVING Festival California.
Reservations can be through TRIPADVISOR HERE.
Note: Be sure to verify the distance from your hotel to the festival.
AirBnB locations near the 2019 Tiny LIVING Festival California.
Reservations can be through AirBnB HERE.
Note: Be sure to verify the distance from your accommodations to the festival.