Updated: May 24, 2018 (See Below!)
Update (May 16, 2018): Here is the current roster of some of the incredibly talented and exciting Speakers, and workshops, scheduled to present at the 2018 DC/Virginia Tiny House Festival.
2018 DC/Virginia Saturday Keynote:
Jenna Spesard
Jenna has towed her Tiny House 25,000+ miles across the United States and backpacked for several months in countries around the world. Her blog, Tiny House Giant Journey, has been featured on several large news outlets, including Business Insider, NY Times, USA Today, Huffington Post, TravelChannel.com, and the front page of Yahoo.com. She has also been featured on HGTV’s popular TV shows: “Tiny House Big Living” and “Mighty Tiny Homes.”
2018 DC/Virginia Sunday Keynote:
Alex Eaves
Alex lives full time in his converted box truck, is a recycling expert, tiny living advocate, sustainability sensei (our word), walks the walk of minimalism, film director of REUSE: Because You Can’t Recycle the Planet, owner of STAY VOCAL, and Reuse Pro at www.alexeaves.com.
2018 DC/Virginia Speakers & Emcees:
Alexis DeHart Stephens & Christian Parsons
Tiny House Expedition Film Makers, Community Educators, Tiny Lifestyle Advocates, Tiny Homeowners, the “World’s Most Travelled Tiny House”, and Creators of the ‘Living Tiny Legally’ Film Documentary Series.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Jenn Baxter
Author of “Live a F.A.S.T. Life: How Stripping Down & Cleaning Up Gave Me My Life Back” and “Tiny Abundance e-Book” , Speaker, Freelance Writer & Blogger.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Felice Cohen
Living Large in Any Space, Author of the best-selling book, “90 Lessons for Living Large in 90 Square Feet (…or more)”.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Kari Cooper
Yurt Living Guru, Tiny Lifestyle Expert, Musician, and Artist.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Ethan Waldman
The Tiny House (Think Big… Build Small), Tiny House Utilities Expert, Tiny House Builder, Tiny Home Design Expert, Tiny House Teacher, Writer, Speaker, Author of Tiny House Decisions and Tiny House Parking.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Michael Fuehrer
Navigationnowhere, Skoolie Owner, Full-Time Bus Dweller, Tiny Home-Based Business Owner.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Elizabeth Singleton
Build Us Hope, Defender of the Homeless and Disabled, Build us Hope – Housing Opportunities Provided for Everyone, Tiny House Owner, Creator of Affordable Housing, Tiny House Lifestyle Advocate.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Jill Kanto
Maryland Resident, Tiny House Owner, DIYer, Search Tiny House Villages, Tiny House Community Advocate, Tiny House Village Resource.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Andrea J Burns
Tomato Box Tiny House, Tiny House Owner, DIY Tiny House Builder, Artist, Consultant, Homeless Advocate.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Miranda Aisling Hynes
Aubergine: The Purple Hearth-Made Tiny House, Artist, Singer, Miranda’s Hearth.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Jeremy Ricci
Tiny House Siesta, Creator of Multiple Tiny House Communities, Tiny House Beach Resort, Owner of 12 Tiny Homes, Expert of Contracting with Tiny House Builders, Highly Successful Entrepreneur.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Leanne Stephens
Tiny Houses and Beyond, Downsizing Expert, Co-Founder Laura’s Little Houses, Tiny House Blogger, Author of Cooking in Small Spaces.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Brynn Burger
“Doable Downsizing with Kids”, The Mama on the Rocks, Downsizing Expert, Children-Friendly Spaces Expert, Full-Time 5th Wheel Family Living, Time Line to Tiny 1-Year Plan.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Brenda Mason
Virginia Resident, Speaker, Blogger at SmallerLivingHugeLife, Encourager of others to ‘Live Intentionally’ and know they can indeed +have more with less-! Downsizing Specialist, Going from 3100 s.f. to 310 s.f. in 31 days!, Lives “almost off the grid”, full-time in her tiny converted motor coach home. E-Course releasing July 1st: “Clutter, Let Go, Lighten Up!”
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Andrew Bennett
Owner of Trekker Trailers, Co-Founder NOAH, Tiny House Builder, Tear-Drop Camper Builder, Gypsy Wagon Builder, Regular Guest on DIY Channel and HGTV.
2018 DC/Virginia Speaker:
Lee Pera
Geographer, Tiny Home Owner, DIYer, Founder of Nation’s First Tiny House Community in 2012. Educator & Teacher on Tiny Houses, Zoning, & Community Development. Founder of Kotierra.
6-9-6 Session: 1 Hour of Non-Stop Information: 6 Speakers… 9 Minutes per Speaker… 6 Unique Topics.
6-9-6 Session: 1 Hour of Non-Stop Information: 6 Speakers… 9 Minutes per Speaker… 6 Unique Topics.
Build a Tiny House Workshop
Join Build Tiny during the 2018 DC/Virginia Tiny House Festival as they offer their popular 3-day workshop on building an actually tiny house!
Home Owners Q&A Panel
Sit in and ask questions of those who are actually living their tiny house dreams.
Hour-of-Power: The Wonder Women of the Tiny House World
Be enlightened, motivated, and enriched, as some of the most recognized women of the tiny house movement, who have built and/or are living in their tiny home, share their experiences, trials/tribulations, successes, and the lessons they have learned during their tiny journies.
2018 DC/Virginia Tiny House Festival Organizer and Speaker:
Shorty Robbins
Nawaka Tiny Historic House, Historic Re-Enactor, Board Member of the United Tiny House Association, Co-Organizer of the Georgia Tiny House Festival, SIPS and DIY Expert, Full-Time Tiny House Dweller.
2018 DC/Virginia Tiny House Festival Organizers and Speakers:
John & Fin Kernohan
Tiny Fire House – Station No. 9, Beloved Cabin Tiny House, Founders & Chairpersons of the United Tiny House Association, Founders & Co-Organizers of the Georgia Tiny House Festival, Owners of Tiny House Rescuers, featured on “Tiny House Big Living” (Season 6; Episode 1), Living 6+ Years Full-Time in their Off-Grid 304sqft Beloved Cabin, DIY Experts, and Public Speakers.