Updated (September 7, 2023): The following are some of the most common questions (and the answers to these questions) asked about the United Tiny House Association and our For-Charity Festivals.  We look forward to answering any additional questions anyone might have regarding our organization, our activities, and our events.


Q1: Who is behind the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A1: The For-Charity Tiny House Festivals are the brain-child of the United Tiny House Association, and its Founders, John and Fin Kernohan. The For-Charity Tiny House Festivals are not vendor-organized events, nor are they designed to promote or advertise any one company or product.  Instead, the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals are a celebration of the tiny lifestyle movement by celebrating EVERYTHING tiny – including ALL modalities of tiny structures and tiny living.


The primary purposes of the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals are:


~ To support and encourage those currently living their tiny home dream and those who dream of someday living tiny.

~ Venues for exposing the tiny house community to many of the leaders and trailblazers within the realm of micro living.

~ Allow individuals to experience what it is really like to be inside a tiny structure.

~ Provide attendees an opportunity to view and tour ALL modalities of living tiny, whether it be tiny houses on wheels (THOWs), foundation-based tiny homes, skoolies & bus conversions, yurts, vardos (aka – gypsy wagons), tear drops, full-time RV living, van conversions, vintage campers, and a multitude of DIY tiny structures.

~ To introduce everyone in attendance to ideas and options they might not have previously considered.

~ A source of networking and shared resources for everyone.

~ To create a financial resource for local communities and charities.



Q2: Is it true United Tiny House has organized the World’s 6 largest tiny house festivals?
A2: Yes, of our 29 events to date, our 2016 (1st Annual) Florida Tiny Festival, 2017 (2nd Annual) Florida Tiny House Festival, 2018 (3rd Annual) Florida Tiny House Festival, 2019 (4th Annual) Florida Tiny House Festival, 2018 (3rd Annual) Georgia Tiny House Festival and 2019 (4th Annual) Georgia Tiny House Festivals are on record as being the five largest gatherings of tiny structures at a tiny house event in the World.  This is based on attendance and total number of tiny structures at each event:

World’s Largest: 2019 (4th Annual) Florida Tiny House Festival (118 Tiny Structures)

World’s Second Largest: 2017 (2nd Annual) Florida Tiny House Festival (116 Tiny Structures)

World’s Third Largest: 2016 (1st Annual) Florida Tiny House Festival (97 Tiny Structures)

World’s Third Largest: 2019 (4th Annual) Georgia Tiny House Festival (97 Tiny Structures)

World’s Fourth Largest: 2018 (3rd Annual) Georgia Tiny House Festival (92 Tiny Structures)

World’s Fourth Largest: 2018 (3rd Annual) Florida Tiny House Festival (92 Tiny Structures)



Q3: Why is the United Tiny House Association (UTHA) a LLC (Limited Liability Company) and not a 501[c]3 (Non-Profit)?
A3: When John and Fin Kernohan founded the United Tiny House Association (UTHA) in the Fall of 2015, they set up UTHA as a LLC as they never imagined UTHA would become as large as it has become (71K+ members world-wide as of June 30, 2023), nor did they originally intend for UTHA to be a charitable organization in that it has given away over $781K+ from the ticket proceeds of its 30 tiny house festivals held since March 2016. When they looked into UTHA becoming a 501[c]3 non-profit they learned married couples could not serve on the same board of directors of the same non-profit as per federal tax guidelines, so they decided to keep UTHA as a LLC. To date, UTHA has never asked for, solicited, and/or accepted any donations, nor have either of The Kernohans accepted a salary from UTHA.  Instead, the United Tiny House Association (UTHA) is a labor of love for The Kernohans and remains a LLC dedicated to helping others in their tiny lifestyle journey, being an advocate for affordable housing & in making tiny houses a legal residential option, and in donating the admission ticket proceeds of their tiny houses festivals to over 100+ charities, and great causes.



Q4: When and where are the next For-Charity Tiny House Festivals and other Events of the United Tiny House Association being held?
A4: The next For-Charity Tiny House Festivals and other Events of the United Tiny House Association currently scheduled are:


8th Annual (2023) Florida Tiny Home Festival
November 18-19, 2023
Gainesville Raceway, Gainesville, Florida
Click HERE for the 8th Annual (2023) Florida Tiny Home Festival’s Facebook Event Page.


3rd Annual (2024) Florida Suncoast Tiny Home Festival
January 2024 Dates TBA
England Brothers Park, Pinellas Park, Florida
Click HERE for the 3rd Annual (2024) Florida Suncoast Tiny Home Festival’s Facebook Event Page.


9th Annual (2024) Georgia Tiny House Festival
April 27-28, 2024
Madison Lion’s Club Fairgrounds, Madison, Georgia
Click HERE for the 9th Annual (2024) Georgia Tiny House Festival’s Facebook Event Page.


Click HERE for a complete history of the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals and Events of the United Tiny House Association.



Q5: Can I, my business or my employer become a sponsor of the for-charity tiny house festivals or advertise through your social media channels and web site?
A5: Yes, sponsors are a welcome part of our events.  In fact, because of the sponsors who bless our events, the for-charity tiny house festivals are able to be of more benefit to so many individuals, charities, non-profits, communities, and great causes.  Also, though we are a bit picky in who is approved to be a sponsor on our social media channels, such as Instagram (92K+ followers), Facebook, Twitter, and our web site, we do have multiple opportunities for those interested.  The different levels of sponsorship for each of our organization’s tiny house festivals, Internet platforms, and newsletter (39K+ members), are available HERE.



Q6: What are the hours for the Tiny House Festivals?
A6: Unless otherwise stated differently for a specific event, the hours of the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals are:


Friday: Set-Up (Not Open to the General Public)
Saturday: 10AM – 5PM
Sunday: 10AM – 5PM



Q7: Will there be tiny structures I can see?
A7: Yes, most definitely!  We ALWAYS have both privately-owned tiny structures and vendor-provided tiny structures, which includes THOWs, skoolies, gypsy wagons/vardos, tear drops, van conversions, yurts, and more.  Both groups of tiny structures are available for attendees to look at, view inside, and ask questions about. (Tiny structures will be available for viewing during all three days of this year’s event at the discretion of their owners.)  The complete list of all the incredible tiny structures participating in our Tiny House Festivals can be found by following the Tiny Houses link for each of our for-charity tiny house festivals.



Q8: How many tiny structures are at your events?
A8: It completely depends on the event.  Some of our events have over ninety (90) and one hundred (100) tiny structures, and some of our events have had 20-40 (twenty-to-forty) and 50-60 (fifty-to-sixty) tiny structures.  Also, we report before-hand and leading into an event how many tiny structures (THOWs, skoolies, gypsy wagons/vardos,  tear drops, van conversions, yurts, and more) are registered attend and participate at our events.  Additionally, the United Tiny House Association is not responsible if any tiny structures registered for an event that either cancels their participation, does not arrive at the event, and/or are late in arriving at an event.



Q9: Do I have to buy a ticket to attend a For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A9: Admission tickets are available both on-line and at the gate.  Discount tickets are available online through the links found here HERE for a limited time prior to each event.  (Note: Sometimes a separate parking fee is charged by the venue location operator.)


The following are eligible for FREE admission throughout the entire weekend at the Tiny LIVING Festivals:

~ Children ages 12 and under.

~ Active, Retired & Discharged Military with Valid Photo ID Card.

~ “Badged” Law Enforcement with Valid Photo ID Card.

~ Active, Retired & Discharged Fire Fighters & On-Scene Emergency Responders with Valid Photo ID Card.



Q10: Will there be a cut-off for how many people can attend the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A10: Attendance caps depend on the venue for each of our For-Charity Tiny House Festivals. Please keep in mind pre-purchasing on-line guarantees access and participation at the event – plus there is a discount for a limited time prior to each event for online ticket purchases.



Q11: Can I purchase my tickets on-site at the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals instead of pre-purchasing on-line beforehand?
A11: Yes, admission tickets are ALWAYS available for purchase at the gate.  Please keep in mind pre-purchasing on-line helps guarantee your attendance in case of an unlikely sellout.  Also, the admission line for per-purchase on-line ticket sales typically moves much quicker at the gate.  Discount tickets are available online through our ticket store for a limited time prior to each event. (Note: Sometimes a separate parking fee is charged by the venue location operator.)



Q12: Can I stay over-night at the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A12: Depending on the venue location, on-site camping (both primitive and/or sites with RV/camper hook-ups with water/power) might be available.  All on-site camping reservations can ONLY be made on-line though our web site.  Additionally, a list of campgrounds and hotels located in the area of our Tiny LIVING Festivals can be found on the Accommodations Page for each of our Tiny LIVING Festivals.


If you are the owner or builder of a tiny home and would like to stay on-site during the event, registration forms are available HERE to attend and participate for FREE.



Q13: Are pets allowed?
A13: Unless otherwise stated, well-behaved pets are allowed and welcome at the Tiny LIVING Festivals as long as they are on a leash at all times (or in a kennel, pen or stroller) and they are cleaned up after. Also, exhibitors reserve the right to not allow pets in their areas. (Note: Free roaming/non-leashed/non-contained pets are not allowed at our events due to the rules & regulations of the venues, and for the safety of attendees and their pets.)



Q14: Are the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals children-friendly?
A14: Absolutely! Children are welcome with open arms to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals.  In fact, we have often have FREE children’s areas and vendors with FREE activities and crafts.  Also, children who are ages 12 and under get in for FREE throughout the entire weekend.



Q15: Who will be presenting and speaking at the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A15: The For-Charity Tiny House Festivals offer some of main movers and shakers in the tiny house movement, as well as individuals with incredible stories and personal insights on living tiny and owning a tiny home. You can see experts, experienced tiny home dwellers, and everyone else who will be presenting at the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals on the Speakers Page for each of our events.



Q16: How can I be a volunteer during the For-Charity Tiny LIVING Festivals?
A16: The For-Charity Tiny LIVING Festivals are greatly appreciative of the many people who volunteer their time to help make our events successful.  Without offer some of main movers and shakers in the tiny house movement, as well as individuals without these dedicated individuals, the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals would be hard to accomplish.  As a sign of our appreciation, anyone who volunteers during our events receives a FREE full weekend admission pass, a cool t-shirt, plus some snacks and drink during their volunteer time.  To sign up to be a volunteer, please follow the appropriate link HERE.



Q17: What will be happening during the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A17:  The For-Charity Tiny House Festivals are jam packed full of activities, speakers, entertainment, workshops, tiny home tours, and more!  A complete list of the  schedule and activities are posted by following the Schedule link for each For-Charity Tiny House Festival.



Q18: What tiny house builders and vendors will be at the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A18: A complete list of all the incredible tiny house builders, organizations, and vendors who participate in our For-Charity Tiny House Festivals can be found by following the Vendors link for each event.



Q19: I have a disability. Is there easy access for me?
A19: Yes, there is a drop off area – and a disabled parking area for clearly identified vehicles.



Q20: What can I bring to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A20: Be sure to bring your enthusiasm and excitement!  You might also want to bring a lawn chair, sun screen, beach blanket or beach towel.  Mobility and Disability Scooters/Trikes with speeds of 4MPH-8MPH and that are ADA compliant are allowed.



Q21: What can’t I bring to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A21: As like most ALL other festivals and events the size of the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals, we require that no skateboards, firearms, weapons, illegal drugs, and alcohol be brought by attendees to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals.  NO golf carts or any other motorized vehicles are allowed that are not associated with the event organizers or venue staff.  NO coolers are allowed through the front gate.  (On-site campers may have coolers and alcoholic beverages in their campsites unless announced otherwise.)  Note: These all have been required since the very first of our For-Charity Tiny House Festivals many years ago and we thank everyone for honoring this requirement.



Q22: What if it rains during the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A22: Rain or shine, the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals will go on. 🙂



Q23: May I bring my own tiny house to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A23: Yes!  Anyone who owns a tiny home, skoolie/bus conversion, vintage camper, yurt, DIY tiny home, etc., and would like to bring their home to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals can do so and stay on-site for the entire weekend for FREE… and also receive FREE weekend passes and a gas stipend!  All we ask in return is for you to open your tiny home to the attendees so they may view it and ask you questions about your tiny living experience.  If you would like to bring your tiny home to any of the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals, please contact us at unitedtinyhouse@yahoo.com or you can find the registration form HERE.



Q24: I have a product or service I would like to share with the attendees of the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals. How can I become a vendor at one of your events?
A24: All builder/manufacturer, vendor, food concession/food vendor, and homeowner registration forms are available HERE.



Q25: How can I become a speaker/presenter at the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A25: Please contact us at unitedtinyhouse@yahoo.com to request a Speakers Registration Form so you may be considered as a Speaker for one of the upcoming For-Charity Tiny House Festivals.



Q26: If I do not register as a vendor or participant, can I still come to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals to promote my business, company, tiny house event and/or hand out my business cards, flyers or brochures?
A26: No!  You must first obtain permission in writing from the appropriate Board Member of the United Tiny House Association.  The vendors and participants who have taken the time to officially register for the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals have invested their time, money, and resources in providing the attendees access to their quality products, structures, and services.  Because of this, we DO NOT allow anyone who is not registered as a vendor, business, builder or home owner, to have the ability to come to the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals with the intent to promote their business, service, product or event.  At the same time, if you have a product or service and you are not a registered vendor, please contact us within 2 weeks before our events so you may coordinate having your marketing materials available through our official information booth.  (Note: Individuals who purchase admission tickets online or at the gate, and are not registered as a vendor, builder, and/or home owner, ARE NOT automatically registered to promoted any product, business, activity, and/or service on-site during the event or on-line within any of the official event pages without written permission from the appropriate Board Member of the United Tiny House Association.)



Q27: May I copy and use any of the photos, files, documents and/or anything else found on this web site?
A27: NOT WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION! ALL the content on this web site is the sole property of the UNITED Tiny House Association (UTHA).  With the exception of third-party logos, maps and/or aerial images of event venue locations (not of our events themselves), ALL content found on this web site is the sole property of the UNITED Tiny House Association (UTHA).  UTHA owns ALL content found on this web site, including, but not limited to, ALL documents, files, photos, wording, verbiage, and more.  NO ONE has any right to copy, duplicate, modify, and/or use ANY content of this web site without the prior written approval of the UNITED Tiny House Association.  If you find any content on this site you believe UTHA should have approval for to use on this site, please contact our office at unitedtinyhouse@yahoo.com and provide us the link so we may remove it or get proper permission.



Q28: Will there be tiny homes for sale at the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals?
A28: Yes, both privately owned and vendor owned tiny homes are for sale during our events.*


* Note: Neither the United Tiny House Association, nor any of the organizers and/or its officers, are involved and/or responsible for the sale of tiny houses during our events.  All sales and financial commitments are between the buyer and the seller.



Q29: Why are these events called the “For-Charity Tiny LIVING Festivals”?
A29: The For-Charity Tiny LIVING Festivals, organized by the United Tiny House Association, were founded by John & Fin Kernohan as a way to channel the popularity of tiny houses, and The Kernohans’ personal tiny lifestyle, as a means of philanthropy to raise funds for multiple worthwhile causes.


To date, over $781K+ from the proceeds of the United Tiny House Association’s 29 for-charity Tiny LIVING Festivals have been donated and contributed to over 100+ different charities, non-profits, great causes and to the local communities where these events have been held.


The following are just some of the 100+ organizations, causes and charities the United Tiny House Association has supported through its For-Charity Tiny LIVING Festivals:


~ Tiny House Scholarship (Founded & Endowed by the United Tiny House Association.  This scholarship is awarded annually to a college-bound public, private or homeschooled student.)
~ The Exodus Road
~ Purchases Equipment, such as AEDs, for Volunteer Fire Departments
~ Raises Funds for Various Fire Departments
~ Habitat for Humanity (Multiple Local Locations throughout the Country in Different States)
~ All Souls Episcopal Care Center
~ Alzheimer’s Association
~ Animal Welfare Institute
~ Destiny’s Bridge
~ Eastern Florida State College Alumni Association
~ Grateful 4 Grace
~ Global Water
~ Hands On Jacksonville (Relief for Hurricanes Matthew & Irma)
~ Hastings Homebound
~ Hillsborough Community College Foundation
~ Infinite Trees Project
~ Patriot Service Dogs, Jacksonville
~ S.A.F.E. Pet Rescue
~ SCA Castlemere
~ St. Johns County Humane Society
~ St. Johns Presbyterian
~ Seamark Ranch
~ Starlight Foundation
~ Tiny House Expedition
~ Trees for the Future
~ Audubon Acres
~ Hurricane Harvey Relief
~ Cuts for Change
~ Humane Educational Society of Chattanooga
~ GreenSpaces
~ Epilepsy Foundation
~ Don’t Count Me Out
~ Mercy Ships
~ ALS Society
~ Sacred Selection
~ Chattanooga Humane Society
~ Chattanooga Community Kitchen
~ A Step Ahead Chattanooga
~ Funded 100% of Construction of a Tiny House for a Homeless Veteran
~ Save the Whales
~ Save the Pandas
~ Save the Tigers
~ Tiny House Build for a Displaced Hurricane Harvey Family
~ Tiny Dog House on Wheels Raffle for Dry Dog Food for Animal Shelters (The Tiny Dog House on Wheels Raffle has been done at many of the For-Charity Tiny House Festival over the years since the 2016 Florida Tiny House Festival.)
~ And Many Other Charities & Great Causes



Q30: I am a participant in your events, and each time my name and my company name is posted on your web site I get contacted by other tiny house events asking me to be involved in their events.  Sometimes they have insinuated or implied they are somehow associated to your events.  Is this true?
A30: Unless stated otherwise, we are not associated or partnered with any events other than our organization’s own For-Charity Tiny LIVING Festivals, which are always listed on this page and on our Facebook’s Events Page.  We DO participate, support, and promote other events, but again, and unless stated otherwise by United Tiny House Association, we are not associated or partnered with any events.  Over the years there have been some events and event organizers have stolen materials off our web site and/or have “claimed” they are associated with our organization and events, but this has not been true.


As many people know, we do help and support many other events in the tiny house movement, and have even created a Facebook page where other tiny house events can submit their information for others to see.


Unfortunately, there have been a couple of events that have been organized by entities not related in any way to our organization, where the organizers have copied our events so much  and taken materials from our web site and social media pages, that many people have become confused as to which one is ours and which one is not.  A couple of these have even gone as far as to falsely claim they are associated with our organization and/or that we are associated with them and their event(s).


Also, there have been a couple events where the organizers have mislead people into believing their events are someone how related to our events by using our organization’s name, our personal names, and/or by using photos and forms off our web site and social media platforms.


If anyone ever has any questions in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.  As always, we thank everyone for their support of our For-Charity Tiny House Festivals.