The United Tiny House Association is bringing its 17th for-charity Tiny House Festival® to Conyers… and this year we are implementing our new “Festival COVID-19 and Social Distancing Guidelines” to ensure a safe and healthy experience for all the attendees and participants!

The 5th Annual (2020) Georgia Tiny House Festival® will be held July 11-12, 2020, at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers, Georgia… and we are implementing our new “Festival COVID-19 and Social Distancing Guidelines” to ensure a safe and healthy experience for all the attendees and participants!


As with all our events, the 2020 (5th Annual) Georgia Tiny House Festival® will be unique to itself and offer activities, workshops, lectures and tiny houses not seen or available at any other tiny house events!


New to the 2020 Georgia Tiny House Festival is its NEW location at the BEAUTIFUL Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers, Georgia, which is more suitable for supporting a safe and healthy event for our attendees and particpants!  PLUS… there will be our hands-on tiny house build session, the Tiny House & Salvage Building Basics Workshop.

utha- united tiny house event July 2020

Returning once again are those beautiful and classic vintage campers to “Happy Camper Land”, and a number of skoolies (converted buses) will be in attendance in “The School Yard”… and be sure to visit the gypsy wagons, yurts and other special tiny homes in the “Bohemian Village”.


Private-owned tiny houses will be found in “Tiny House Town” and new model tiny homes will be on display, and for sale, from a number of professional builders in “Tool City”.


The United Tiny House Association prides itself on providing some of the biggest names in the tiny house movement as speakers and presenters at its events.  The 2020 (5th Annual) Georgia Tiny House Festival® will continue with this tradition by offering 2-days (Saturday & Sunday) of workshops and lectures from experts and trailblazers in the subjects of tiny house construction, the tiny lifestyle, the legalities of living tiny, code enforcement considerations, off-grid living, and SO MUCH MORE!


The 2020 Georgia Tiny House Festival, as all our events, dog friendly.  All furry family members must be kept on a leash and cleaned up after – ALWAYS!


On Saturday and Sunday, admission is $20.00 per day ($25.00 for a 2-day admission ticket) at the gate. Discounted admission tickets are available online for a limited time. (Online discounted ticket sales close on Friday, July 10, 2020, or before if the online discounted inventory sells out… but regular priced admission tickets are ALWAYS available at the gate.)  FREE admission ALL weekend for Children ages 12 and under, Military (Active, Discharged & Retired), Badged Law Enforcement, and Firefighters.  NOTE: Due to COVID-19 Guidelines, we are limiting ticket sales to 5K (5000) admission tickets, so be sure to get your tickets online at the current discounted rate!


Be sure to mark your calendars for a great tiny house experience and plan to attend this family-friendly event, which promises to be a weekend of excitement, fun, inspiration, and of course… tiny homes!


Please Note: The 5th Annual (2020) Georgia Tiny House Festival® is the United Tiny House Association’s 17th for-charity tiny house event.

The Venue

Georgia International Horse Park
1996 Centennial Olympic Parkway NE
Conyers, GA  30013


Check HERE for onsite camping reservations, and for nearby hotels and other off-site accommodations.

Lots of information and links to purchasing tickets and more is available through our FAQs page.


Please do not hesitate to contact the United Tiny House Association by email at or by calling 706-623-4332 with any questions you might have about the 2020 Georgia Tiny House Festival.

Buy Tickets for the Tiny House Festival Today