John and Fin began their tiny house love affair living aboard a narrow boat and traversing the canals of the English countryside in the UK after meeting each other when Fin was living in London and John was living in South Florida. After Fin proposed to John and asked for his hand in marriage, they settled in the United States where they have been living in their self-built 304sqft tiny house, known as “Beloved Cabin”, since December 2011.
They reside on their 16-acre Beloved Cabin Homestead & Stay in the woods of Georgia, where they embrace solar energy, rain water collection, biogas production for cooking fuel, composting/soil creation, raising chickens & ducks, growing their own vegetables and fruits, solar thermal energy, humanure composting, and more to facilitate their off-grid and minimalist lifestyle. They also run an animal rescue sanctuary on their no-kill homestead with cats, dogs, pigs, goats, a horse, chickens, ducks and quails.
They also share their personal collection of 3 tiny houses on wheels, a skoolie, 2 geodesic domes, 2 yurts, and 2 bell tents on their 16-acre Beloved Cabin Homestead & Stay with guests from around the world as short-term rentals (STRs) so they may experience unique getaways and short-term vacations in a true tiny house community. (John and Fin are currently building another small guest cabin and a tree house from an elevated grain silo.) You can see all their available getaways HERE.
John and Fin also have their towable 148sqft tiny house, the World-known “Tiny Firehouse – Station No. 9“, which is both their personal travel home and tribute tiny home honoring firefighters and emergency responders.
Fin was raised in Thailand as a Buddhist, is a vegetarian, yoga instructor, massage therapist, fitness expert, acclaimed interior designer, and personal trainer. John is a retired immunologist, the handyman of their property, a skilled craftsman (his family is Amish), DIY fanatic, re-purposing expert, and an avid outdoorsman who fills the freezer throughout the year with wild game and fresh fish. Together, John and Fin strongly believe it is their diversity and being so different in many aspects, as well as having so much common ground, that has created and solidified their “tiny house love affair”.

After years of organizing not-for-profit outdoor concerts and festivals as fundraisers for students and college-bound homeschool students, as well as being on Florida’s state board for home education, John, along with Fin, created and held, 30 For-Charity Tiny House Festivals; including the now famous Georgia Tiny House Festivals (2016 – 2023) and the 60K+ attendee & 116 tiny structure Florida Tiny House Festivals (2016 – 2023); as well as 15 other record-breaking for-charity tiny house festivals in California, DC/Virginia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, and elsewhere… as well as the Nation-wide & historic TINY HOUSES across AMERICA and the FREE International Online Tiny House Festivals.

On May 23-24, 2020, John and Fin organized and hosted the first ever FREE International Online Tiny House Festival, which spanned two days and involved 5 countries, over 30+ tiny home tours, more than 2 dozen speakers, and live entertainment… and was held for a second year on June 19-20, 2021.
The For-Charity Tiny House Events from the United Tiny House Association embrace all modalities of tiny living and tiny homes, whether they are professional-built tiny houses, private-owned tiny houses, DIY structures, ADUs, tree houses, skoolies (converted school buses), yurts, campers, vardos (aka – gypsy wagons), or any other tiny residences anyone calls home.
Also, all tiny house lifestyles are encouraged and supported. These include, but are not limited to, off-grid living, on-grid living, homesteading, wilderness living, ADUs, and both suburban & urban living.
Most importantly, United Tiny House Association’s For-Charity Tiny House Events are designed to support local communities and charities, through the fundraising activities at its Tiny House Events and as a means of giving charities and non-profit organizations a platform to share with others. To date, the United Tiny House Association has given away and donated over $788K from the proceeds of their 30 For-Charity Tiny House Festivals to over 100+ charities, non-profits, and great causes.
John and Fin, and their tiny homes, are currently being featured on the new A&E television series, “Living Smaller” (2022), which aired on Sundays in 2022. They and their unique tiny creations have also been featured on A&E, HGTV, the DIY Network, TODAY, The Rachel Ray Show, JEOPARDY!, AOL, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, and many other newspapers, newscasts, magazines, Vlogs, Blogs, and Podcasts around the World. They are regularly invited to speak at events, emcee festivals, meet with Local/National/Federal government officials, work with individuals one-on-one, and partner with other organizations in their efforts to bring both the tiny living community and those outside the tiny living community together in a common understanding of what living tiny is all about.
Are you interested in collaborating with John & Fin, being a sponsor with any of United Tiny House’s World-renowned For-Charity Tiny House Festivals, or advertising on either this web site or on any of our social media pages? If so, CLICK HERE for our Collaboration Opportunities Package.
Want to learn more about The Kernohans and their activities? Click HERE to read their bio.
“Do something BIG in your world… by simply doing something TINY!” – John & Fin Kernohan