15 Sep This has been such a unique year…
???? This has been such a unique year for tiny houses and the tiny lifestyle movement! ????
With all its ups & downs, challenges, and obstacles, 2020 has also been an amazingly positive year for tiny houses, the legalization of tiny homes, and the tiny lifestyle movement!
From California, to Arizona, to Georgia, to South Carolina, to Massachusetts, and MANY states in between and throughout the US, and different countries throughout the World, the tiny house movement continues to advance and grow – and there does not appear to be any slowing in this forward motion.
Tiny house advocates such as, but not limited to, Dan Fitzpatrick, Zack Giffin, Elizabeth Singleton, my husband John [Kernohan], and others, as well as organizations such as the Tiny Home Industry Association and the United Tiny House Association, are regularly interacting with local, state, federal, and in some instances, International, governments, agencies and officials in helping them recognize how tiny houses are a viable solution as full-time residential dwellings and for the housing crisis plague that has been infecting ALL states in the US, and other countries, for many, many decades – if not longer.
And while many industries have unfortunately been tragically struggling this year during the economic crisis that has been forced upon much of the population, so many of the builders* and suppliers of tiny homes whom our organization, United Tiny House Association, interacts and communicates with have been reporting stellar business growth and consistently reliable new orders for tiny homes.
In fact, we have personally seen an 18% increase in the weekly inquires to our organization, United Tiny House Association, regarding requests for builder recommendations and builder contact information.
In nearby Atlanta, Georgia, it has been reported there is the likelihood of a 150% increase this year in Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) tiny homes, and the number of new permits for ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) supports this data.
According to iProperty Management, “… the popularity of tiny homes expands with housing crises and increased environmental concerns, both of which are at the forefront of many Americans’ minds at the dawn of the 2020s. Researchers and data analysts worldwide agree that the tiny home market is set to boom… “
* Note: Did you know the United Tiny House Association has a FREE “Tiny House Support Guidebook”, which provides the names and contact information for tiny house builders listed by state?
Additionally, as many of us have witnessed, a significant number of events, concerts and festivals have cancelled and rescheduled, yet organizers of both virtual and in-person tiny house events and festivals, such as LATCH Collective, the For-Charity Tiny House Festivals, the Global Online Tiny House Conference, Beloved Cabin Tiny House Homestead & Stay, the FREE Online Tiny House Festival (being held again in 2021), and others, have been providing safe and exciting virtual and in-person events all this year.
Even the tiny house and unique stay rental industry has seen an amazing increase in the demand for tiny home and unique stay short-term and vacation rentals. In fact, industry leader Airbnb* has rolled out a new platform designed to meet the demand for tiny houses, unique stays, skoolies, vardos, and all other styles of tiny homes. (BTW… if you are interested in becoming an Airbnb host and turning your tiny house or unique stay into a successful revenue stream, check out this link HERE* on Airbnb.)
But for me personally, the most amazingly incredible part of this year so far has been the outpouring of kindness and support John and I have seen people from within the tiny house community sharing with others!
When we organized our very first for-charity tiny house festival back in early 2016, we had no idea it would grow into a history of 18 festivals and raising over $675,000.00 for over ninety different charities, non-profits, great causes, and the communities where John and I have held our events. We also had no idea how hard and much time each of these events, and all the charity activities we would become involved in as a direct result of our events, would be. So, when we see the amazing accomplishments that others in the tiny house community have achieving this year, we are blown away, very much impressed, and totally humbled by their incredible efforts.
This is no more apparent than the work and charitable accomplishments being achieved by Operation Tiny Home, Build us HOPE – Housing Opportunities Provided for Everyone, and Tiny Homes for Camp Fire Survivors! These three AMAZING organizations are putting roofs over the heads of individuals and families in desperate need of housing. If you are not familiar with these AWESOME organizations, please click their names and you will be taken to where you can learn more about their individual efforts and how you can help them.
In closing, John and I want to congratulate and encourage everyone of you for your strength and persistence in getting through 2020, and it is our sincere wish each of you and your loved ones are safe, healthy, and well.
❤️ “Do Something BIG in Your World… By Simply Doing Something TINY!” ❤️
Fin (and John) Davies-Kernohan, Beloved Cabin & United Tiny House Association
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*Note: John and I might be compensated in the event someone signs up to be an Airbnb host through this link we have shared.
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